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1C10 - Prosthetic feet


Ready to conquer the day.
Mobility grade2, 3
Max. body weight125 kg
Amputation levelTransfemoral amputation, Transtibial amputation, Hip disarticulation
All specifications
Benefits at a glance
Carbon spring
Carbon spring

The carbon spring provides good forefoot stability and an efficient energy return. The split forefoot spring also provides stability when walking and standing – including on uneven surfaces.

User Experience


“When my right foot was amputated after my accident at work, I really despaired at first. My first successes came thanks to physical training, followed by motivation and praise from my doctors and therapists. After that, heading back to work was only a matter of time. These days, I feel ready for any everyday activity and up for new challenges. Those around me often forget that I’m a prosthesis wearer, and that’s a good thing.”


Product information

Mobility grade2, 3
Max. body weight125 kg
Amputation levelTransfemoral amputation, Transtibial amputation, Hip disarticulation

Product Data

Article numberMobility gradeSideSizeWeight (without footshell)StiffnessMax. body weight
1C10=N2223-2-P/02, 3N22-23 cm245 g275 kg
1C10=N2425-3-P/02, 3N24-25 cm302 g3100 kg
1C10=N2628-4-P/02, 3N26-28 cm343 g4125 kg
Article number1C10=N2223-2-P/01C10=N2425-3-P/01C10=N2628-4-P/0
Mobility grade2, 32, 32, 3
Size22-23 cm24-25 cm26-28 cm
Weight (without footshell)245 g302 g343 g
Max. body weight75 kg100 kg125 kg



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