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Information, advice & conditions

The science behind helping to overcome physical mobility limitations is always evolving. New products, new techniques and new learning can offer people more independence at any age. For you, that means that a product that worked well a few years ago may be updated or replaced with something even better. Or, your personal needs may have changed. With that in mind, the following overviews help provide a broad, basic understanding of some of the latest approaches to making sure people are positioned comfortably and well.

Choosing your wheelchair

Joanne McConnell is an Occupational Therapist and Mobility and Seating Specialist. She is one of Ottobock UK’s Business Manager for Mobility Solutions. She offers some advice on how to choose your chair and what to discuss with your clinical team when looking for a wheelchair. “A wheelchair will always be built for one specific user; it is never an “off the shelf” wheelchair. There are many options in the market and it is important to choose one that fits the user’s lifestyle. An active wheelchair user can expect to spend up to 14 hours a day in their wheelchair. ’‘Choosing the right wheelchair can make integration into work, education, family life and all social situations more accessible. With an active wheelchair, the user is positioned in an optimal position for independent mobility and as such, can propel or drive with ease for a whole day.’‘ In addition to comfort and accessibility, a wheelchair user seated within a correct chair chosen to meet both their physical and lifestyle needs will feel more confident about their own abilities’‘. A user needs to take a few things into consideration when choosing a wheelchair and the initial assessment should cover the following;• Does the user drive a car? Many will need to lift their own chair in and out of their car several times a day.• What level of functional ability does the individual have and what is their condition? Can the user lift a chair across their body onto the passenger seat or will it be lifted into the boot of their car by themselves or a carer?• What are the home, work and educational environments of the user? The chair assessment should always look at the variety of locations it will be used in.‘ Once the initial assessment has taken place, the wheelchair representative will provide a detailed quote and prescription. For help and advice on financing your wheelchair, visit our [wheelchair funding] pages.’‘ Once the funds are in the place the user can place the order and the chair will be custom built for their individual needs.”

ITA Mobility Zenit CLT Wheelchair

Funding your wheelchair

Found the perfect chair but not sure how to fund it? There are a number of ways to help finance your wheelchair. Contact us today for more information.

Juvo B4 with Contour seat jpeg

Common Conditions

There are many conditions and afflictions which may result in the need of a wheelchair. Ottobock provide a wide range of mobility solutions to suit your needs. To find out which wheelchair is best for you, please click on the link below and select your related condition.
