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4R57 - Adapter

Rotation Adapter

Functional adapter for enhanced safety and comfort
Product typeFunctional adapters
Mobility grade1, 2, 3, 4
Max. body weight150 kg
All specifications

Product information

Product typeFunctional adapters
Mobility grade1, 2, 3, 4
Max. body weight150 kg

Product Data

Article numberMobility gradeMaterialProximal connectionDistal connectionSystem heightBuild heightWeightRotationMax. body weight
4R571, 2, 3, 4Steel, stainless


Pyramid receiver

22 mm22 mm170 gmax. 360° (without foam cover)150 kg
4R57=ST1, 2, 3, 4Steel, stainlessThread

Pyramid receiver

42 mm24 mm185 gmax. 360° (without foam cover)150 kg
Article number4R574R57=ST
Mobility grade1, 2, 3, 41, 2, 3, 4
MaterialSteel, stainlessSteel, stainless
Proximal connection


Distal connection

Pyramid receiver

Pyramid receiver

System height22 mm42 mm
Build height22 mm24 mm
Weight170 g185 g
Rotationmax. 360° (without foam cover)max. 360° (without foam cover)
Max. body weight150 kg150 kg
