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Zilan's story

I think this leg is beautiful, I like to run with it; actually, I can do anything with it.

- Zilan -

Zilan with his leg prosthesis
Zilan's Story

Zilan's daily life is versatile and sporty

Zilan was born in China with a shortened leg and adopted by his Dutch family at the age of 2. Right after his arrival in the Netherlands, his family took care of a prosthetic fitting. Zilan is an active, adventurous boy. Exercise is very important to him. He does athletics, likes snowboarding and plays basketball. He wants to do all the things that the other children do–and his prosthetic fitting, which consists of an everyday prosthesis and a sports prosthesis, allows him to do that.

Prostheses for children

Unterstützung für alle Lebenslagen

Entdecken Sie hier unsere Kinderprothesen.

A boy wearing a leg prostheses is laughing

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