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Webinar for professionals in Scandinavia/the Nordics

New clinical evidence on the Exopulse Mollii Suit

We would like to invite you to join our upcoming webinar focusing on the latest Exopulse developments. We will take a deeper dive into the latest evidence published and a sneak peek into the 12 ongoing RCT studies. Additionally, we will also present patient stories for you to get hands-on feeling for the difference the suit can provide for suitable candidates.

This webinar is a follow up to the first session we offered last spring introducing the Exopulse Mollii Suit.

  • What is the Exopulse Mollii Suit and how does the technology work?

  • For what patient groups is the suit suitable and what results can be achieved?

  • What evidence is available from the past and what studies are currently ongoing?

The duration of the webinar is 45 minutes including plenty of time to ask all your questions. The webinar will be recorded and can be made available afterwards on request.

The host of this session is Frida Hurtig, licensed physiotherapist from Ottobock.

Last day to register: November 20, 16:00.

Sign up now!

Swedish session | November 21 | 12:00–12:45 → Sign up
English session | November 22 | 11:00–11:45 →
Sign up

UTC +1 (Stockholm)

This webinar is a follow up to the first session, introducing the Exopulse Mollii Suit.
Watch the previous webinar »

A warm welcome!

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→ Exopulse Mollii detail page