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1D11 - Foot prosthetics

Dynamic Foot Women 20mm Toes

The proven combination of dynamics and safety

Following an amputation, prosthesis wearers want a prosthetic foot with high functionality and the most natural appearance possible. The Dynamic feet feature a natural shape with a smooth surface, shaped toes and an abducted big toe. Next to the standard foot shape, we offer the 1D11 as a narrower foot shape which is particularly well suited for women's or narrow men's shoes.

Following an amputation, prosthesis wearers want a prosthetic foot with high functionality and the most natural appearance possible. The Dynamic feet feature a natural shape with a smooth surface, shaped toes and an abducted big toe. Next to the standard foot shape, we offer the 1D11 as a narrower foot shape which is particularly well suited for women's or narrow men's shoes.

The functional properties are achieved through the proven combination of a contoured core and functional foam. This results in a comfortable heel strike and easy rollover. The sophisticated foam technology offers improved dynamic characteristics of the forefoot.

The Dynamic foot is recommended for users with a low to moderate mobility grade. Your orthopaedics expert will be happy to explain the combination of the foot with various prosthesis components and inform you about the available foot sizes and maximum allowable body weight.

Product type
Mobility grade1, 2
Max. body weight125 kg
All specifications

Product information

Mobility grade1, 2
Max. body weight125 kg
Amputation levelTransfemoral amputation, Transtibial amputation, Hip disarticulation

Product Data

Mobility grade1, 2
Max. body weight125 kg
Sideleft (L), right (R)
Size22-28 cm
Weight (without adapter)435 g*
Foot shapeSlim shape for a heel height of 20 +/- 5 mm
System height with adapter67 mm*
Build height with adapter85 mm*
