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1H38 - Foot prosthetics

Single Axis Foot only Men 10mm Toes

In combination with the single-axis joint, the 1H38 single-axis foot with 10 mm heel height allows the user to achieve a secure stance quickly. It is only suitable for transfemoral prostheses.

In combination with the single-axis joint, the 1H38 single-axis foot with 10 mm heel height allows the user to achieve a secure stance quickly. It is only suitable for transfemoral prostheses.

Product type
Mobility grade1
Max. body weight100 kg
All specifications

Product information

Mobility grade1
Max. body weight100 kg
Amputation levelTransfemoral amputation, Hip disarticulation

Product Data

Mobility grade1
Max. body weight100 kg
Sideleft (L), right (R)
Size21-28 cm
Weight (without adapter)Approx. 365 g*
Foot shapeNormal shape (N) for a heel height of 10 +/- 5 mm
System height with 2R5150 mm*
System height with 2R33/2R1046 mm*
Einbauhöhe mit 2R5168 mm*
Einbauhöhe mit 2R33/2R1064 mm*
