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Lower Limb Prosthetics


Lower Limb Prosthetics

Mobility means quality of life. Whatever your level of amputation, whatever your life encompasses, the demands on a prosthesis are as different as our lives are varied. Our prostheses allow you to participate in many day-to-day and leisure activities without major limitations. Explore our product solutions, real-life stories, details of alignment, development and testing and find something that applies to your situation.

Product Systems

Learn more about our range of lower limb prosthesis.

Socket Technology

Maintaining a healthy residual limb can be challenging and a contributing factor to the overall comfort of the socket. To support this, a variety of prosthetics liners are available, each offering a range of specific benefits to suit the amputee’s individual circumstances.

Real life stories

Read about other people living with limb loss and how their prosthetics limbs are helping them regain their independence and lead a more active lifestyle.
