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Travelling with Devices


Like any trip, travelling with a device requires good planning and preparation. If you use a prosthesis, orthosis or wheelchair, your mobility to a large extent depends on the optimal function of your device.

When travelling, your device may be exposed to different conditions and stresses in unfamiliar surroundings compared to your everyday routine. We have compiled some useful information to ensure you are well prepared and can enjoy every minute of your trip.

Please note, these are tips and suggestions. If you have any doubts contact your prosthetist, orthotist or wheelchair provider directly.

Travelling with a Prosthesis

Travelling with a Prosthesis

What do I have to consider before a trip?

  • Check the function and comfort of your prosthetic device well in advance.

  • Check your residual limb carefully for changes (shape/volume/pressure points).

  • Check the liner and/or knee joint cover for fit, tears or holes and check the condition of the foam cover or protector.

  • You may want to make an appointment with your prosthetist to rule out any risk factors in advance.

  • Find out in advance about prosthetic clinics at your destination.

  • Remember the battery charger, power supply and/or the 12 V USB charger adapter for your prosthesis.

  • We also recommend taking an adapter for all common socket types or a power bank for charging while you are on the go. If possible, put these items in your carry-on luggage so they are easily accessible.

  • Make sure your prosthesis is fully charged before starting your trip.

  • Ensure you have a few spare parts and accessories including medical and cosmetic products, such as spare valves for the socket, a donning aid or disinfectant for wounds in your luggage.


What do I have to consider when flying?

  • When passing through body scanners or metal detectors, watch out for any unexpected behavior of your prosthesis.

  • If you have limited mobility, ask your airline at the airport or the travel agent about assistance.

  • The lower pressure in the aircraft can lead to volume fluctuations in the residual limb. Take some padding material with you in case this occurs. Talk to your prosthetist about possible solutions.

  • When passing through body scanners or metal detectors, watch out for any unexpected behavior of your prosthesis.

  • If you have limited mobility, ask your airline at the airport or the travel agent about assistance.

  • The lower pressure in the aircraft can lead to volume fluctuations in the residual limb. Take some padding material with you in case this occurs. Talk to your prosthetist about possible solutions.


What should I do if I have problems with my prosthesis in a foreign country?

  • If you suspect a defect in your prosthesis (e.g. damage, loss of function, problems with electronics), contact your prosthetist directly.

  • As your first point of contact, your prosthetist will coordinate further steps and the best possible local support together with Ottobock Customer Service.

  • You can find important information such as the serial number of your prosthetic component on the inside of your joint.

  • If you suspect a defect in your prosthesis (e.g. damage, loss of function, problems with electronics), contact your prosthetist directly.

  • As your first point of contact, your prosthetist will coordinate further steps and the best possible local support together with Ottobock Customer Service.

  • You can find important information such as the serial number of your prosthetic component on the inside of your joint.

2 results out of 2


Checklist for Travelling with a Prosthesis

To assist you with planning for your trip, we have compiled a checklist with the most important points to help you when travelling.
To assist you with planning for your trip, we have compiled a checklist with the most important points to help you when travelling.

1 results out of 1

What do I have to consider before a trip?

  • Check whether your wheelchair is in good technical condition and optimally adapted to your needs.

  • You can use Google Street View or to learn about the surroundings at your destination. Is the terrain suitable for your wheelchair?

  • Contact your accommodation provider to determine whether the conditions there meet your needs or can be adapted.

  • Ensure your transfer to the hotel by asking in advance whether the vehicle is accessible for you as a wheelchair user. A video that shows how to fold up your folding wheelchair may be useful for transport.

  • Inquire in advance whether there is a wheelchair dealer that is familiar with your device in the vicinity.

  • Prepare sentences in the local language to describe frequently occurring problems, e.g. "I need a new battery/joystick/arm support (...)" or "I have a flat tyre."

  • Ask your wheelchair dealer whether the instructions for use for your wheelchair are available in the local language.

  • Put together your medical documents (e.g. diagnoses, medication plan) and have them translated into English, or even better, into the local language at your destination.

  • Stock up in advance with sufficient quantities of the medication you need and enquire whether a doctor's certificate is necessary for bringing them into the country.

  • Find out whether you need international health insurance for your destination.