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28F10 - Foot orthoses and ankle orthoses

Heel relief orthosis

With the heel relief orthosis, you regain your mobility quickly and can return to your accustomed everyday life – with no need for crutches.

With the heel relief orthosis, you regain your mobility quickly and can return to your accustomed everyday life – with no need for crutches.

Your heel floats in the orthosis thanks to its unique design. Special sole and pressure build-up pads gradually increase the load on the heel bone. This promotes and considerably speeds up the healing process. The heel relief orthosis makes a largely physiological gait pattern possible.

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Todas las especificaciones
Todas las ventajas de un vistazo
Heel relief orthosis on the leg
Virtually natural gait

The orthosis permits a nearly natural rollover of the foot and makes walking more comfortable. This activates the muscle pumps, prevents muscle atrophy and reduces the risk of thrombosis.

CPO Münch during a patient fitting with the heel relief orthosis
Optimum follow-up treatment with a proven treatment plan

The German Society for Orthopaedics and Trauma explicitly recommends the heel relief orthosis for follow-up treatment after a heel bone fracture.

X-ray image with applied heel relief orthosis
Floating heel provides relief

The floating heel principle is unique. It provides relief for your heel, which floats about 1 cm above the sole. In addition to relief, this results in early mobilisation and a favourable healing process.

Experiencia de usuario

Heel relief orthosis fitting video with CPO Münch


Información del producto

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Archivo del producto

Article numberSizeSideShoe size Europe
28F10=SSboth sides36 - 41
28F10=MMboth sides42 - 46
28F10=LLboth sides47 - 50
Article number28F10=S28F10=M28F10=L
Sideboth sidesboth sidesboth sides
Shoe size Europe36 - 4142 - 4647 - 50


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