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28P30 - Hand orthoses and hand bandages

Manu Neurexa Plus

The earlier and more frequently you use your hand in therapy, the more mobility you can achieve. The Manu Neurexa plus positions, stabilises and supports both the wrist joint and the hand.

The earlier and more frequently you use your hand in therapy, the more mobility you can achieve. The Manu Neurexa plus positions, stabilises and supports both the wrist joint and the hand.

The Manu Neurexa plus can be connected to the Omo Neurexa plus, resulting in unique functionality: Combined with one another, the orthoses can reposition your arm in an even better manner, improve guidance of the arm and intensify the anti-spasticity effect.

IndicationsStroke, Hemiplegia, Paralysis
User groupadults
ApplicationsCustom Orthotics, Bracing & Support/ (OTS)
Todas las especificaciones
Todas las ventajas de un vistazo
The Manu Neurexa plus protects the hand
Protecting the hand and wrist joint

Critical situations can occur, particularly early on. The Manu Neurexa plus protects your hand and wrist against external influences. You feel safer. Plus, you can also improve the sensitivity of your arm and hand by using the hand orthosis.

Experiencia de usuario

Manu Neurexa plus wrist orthosis


Información del producto

IndicationsStroke, Hemiplegia, Paralysis
User groupadults
ApplicationsCustom Orthotics, Bracing & Support/ (OTS)

Archivo del producto

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Article number28P30
