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50S1 - Foot orthoses and ankle orthoses

Dyna Ankle

IndicationsInjury during sports, recreation and work
User groupyouth, adults, mature adults
ApplicationsBracing & Support/ (OTS)
Todas las especificaciones

Información del producto

IndicationsInjury during sports, recreation and work
User groupyouth, adults, mature adults
ApplicationsBracing & Support/ (OTS)
Product typeRigid ankle orthoses

Archivo del producto

Article numberSideShoe size Europe
50S1=L35-37left (L)35 - 37
50S1=R35-37right (R)35 - 37
50S1=L37-39left (L)37 - 39
50S1=R37-39right (R)37 - 39
50S1=L39-41left (L)39 - 41
50S1=R39-41right (R)39 - 41
50S1=L41-44left (L)41 - 44
50S1=R41-44right (R)41 - 44
Article number50S1=L35-3750S1=R35-3750S1=L37-3950S1=R37-3950S1=L39-4150S1=R39-4150S1=L41-4450S1=R41-44
Sideleft (L)right (R)left (L)right (R)left (L)right (R)left (L)right (R)
Shoe size Europe35 - 3735 - 3737 - 3937 - 3939 - 4139 - 4141 - 4441 - 44
