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8165 - Knee orthotics

Genu Neurexa

A stroke or peripheral nerve damage can lead to paralysis in the leg. Walking is often difficult, and you may perceive the leg and knee as unstable so that you overextend the knee as soon as you put weight on it. 

A stroke or peripheral nerve damage can lead to paralysis in the leg. Walking is often difficult, and you may perceive the leg and knee as unstable so that you overextend the knee as soon as you put weight on it. 

Here the Genu Neurexa provides good support. It stabilises the knee and prevents overextension of the knee joint. Bending the knee continues to be possible. You can start using the Genu Neurexa even during rehabilitation and gait training – after consulting with your doctor or therapist of course.

The Genu Neurexa provides good support in this situation. It stabilises the knee and prevents overextension of the knee joint. However, the knee can still be flexed. You can start using the Genu Neurexa even during rehabilitation and gait training – after speaking with your doctor or therapist of course.

Product typeKnee orthosis, stroke
User groupadults
Todas las especificaciones

Información del producto

Product typeKnee orthosis, stroke
User groupadults

Archivo del producto

Article numberSizeColourLower leg circumference AThigh circumference B
8165=XS-7XSBlack32 - 3538 - 42
8165=S-7SBlack35 - 3842 - 46
8165=M-7MBlack38 - 4146 - 50
8165=L-7LBlack41 - 4450 - 54
8165=XL-7XLBlack44 - 4854 - 58
Article number8165=XS-78165=S-78165=M-78165=L-78165=XL-7
Lower leg circumference A32 - 3535 - 3838 - 4141 - 4444 - 48
Thigh circumference B38 - 4242 - 4646 - 5050 - 5454 - 58


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