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VS4 - Prosthetic feet


Safe mobility.

Do you need safety and stability in your daily life? The Kintrol hydraulic prosthetic foot lets less active to moderately active users benefit from increased stability and safety while walking and standing thanks to more natural ankle movement.

Do you need safety and stability in your daily life? The Kintrol hydraulic prosthetic foot lets less active to moderately active users benefit from increased stability and safety while walking and standing thanks to more natural ankle movement.

Product typeMechanic
Mobility grade1, 2
Max. body weight136 kg
Todas las especificaciones
Todas las ventajas de un vistazo
Natural ankle movement
Natural ankle movement for balance and stability

Thanks to the large 12° range of motion, you can benefit from a more natural gait pattern. The hydraulic ankle joint provides full ground contact faster, for a more confident stride and more stable standing – also on inclines.

Soft rollover
Soft rollover at slow walking speeds

The continuous spring design with no screws passing through provides you with the required stability for your daily activities and a soft rollover.


Información del producto

Product typeMechanic
Mobility grade1, 2
Max. body weight136 kg
Amputation levelTranstibial amputation, Transfemoral amputation
User groupadults
ActivitiesDaily use
Materialfibre glass


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