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Five people with limb loss and limb difference happily sit on a couch together in front of a white brick wall.
Five people with limb loss and limb difference happily sit on a couch together in front of a white brick wall.
Five people with limb loss and limb difference happily sit on a couch together in front of a white brick wall.

iFab EasyScan – the easy way to start digitalising your workflows

iFab EasyScan makes it easy to start digitalising workflows in orthopaedic technology.

iFab EasyScan makes it easy to start digitalising workflows in orthopaedic technology.


Quick and intuitive digitalisation of O&P workflows

iFab EasyScan makes it easy to start digitalising workflows in orthopaedic technology.

This 3D scanning software was developed by Ottobock to meet the special requirements involved in taking patient measurements and is highly intuitive and very easy to use. iFab EasyScan provides high-precision digital patient measurements in real time and delivers an accurate visualisation, including texture.

A small scanning distance, ease of continuing the process in case of interruptions and working in offline mode make iFab EasyScan the solution of choice for seamless workflows and mobile, flexible work.

By digitalising the taking of measurements, O&P professionals and patients benefit from a clean and convenient process that saves time. Thanks to a direct connection to the iFab Customer Center, iFab EasyScan makes it easy for O&P professionals to digitalise downstream work stages from modelling through to placing the order


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TF Design

TF Design is a free software solution for designing customised check sockets, helping you complete your fittings quickly, easily, efficiently and in high quality. TF Design is an outstanding alternative to the conventional plaster cast technique, offering a host of benefits for you and your patients.

TF Design is a free software solution for designing customised check sockets, helping you complete your fittings quickly, easily, efficiently and in high quality. TF Design is an outstanding alternative to the conventional plaster cast technique, offering a host of benefits for you and your patients.

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