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MyFit TT definitive socket for vacuum

Razvijen za povezivanje The digital evolution of your craft

Take a step toward tomorrow’s workshop with MyFit TT: an innovative combination of digitally designed sockets, intuitive modelling software and a seamless fabrication process for below-knee treatments

Take a step toward tomorrow’s workshop with MyFit TT: an innovative combination of digitally designed sockets, intuitive modelling software and a seamless fabrication process for below-knee treatments

With this purpose-built solution, you can virtually craft both check sockets and definitive sockets using all the expert skills you’ve honed in plaster. Discover how MyFit TT can help you bring a new level of efficiency and precision to every solution you create – with the same uncompromising quality and effortless customer experience you’ve always offered.

Take a step toward tomorrow’s workshop with MyFit TT: an innovative combination of digitally designed sockets, intuitive modelling software and a seamless fabrication process for below-knee treatments

Maks. tjelesna težinaStupanj mobilnostiRazina amputacije
125 kg1, 2, 3, 4Transtibial amputation
Sve specifikacije
Kratki pregled svih prednosti

Bring digital workflows to your below-knee treatments

Pacijent s drškom MyFit TT izrađenim 3D ispisom pri usponu stubama
Uvijek pravilno poravnanje s tvornički poravnanim spojem s 4 rupe

Pacijentova individualna fleksija ili lateralni pomak može se uključiti u dizajn drška kako bi se omogućilo optimalno poravnanje.
Moguća je fleksija do 15° i lateralni pomak do 25 mm. 

O&P professional holding Ottobock iFab EasyScan to scan residual limb for MyFit TT
Recording a high-fidelity 3D scan

Use iFab EasyScan or any other suitable scanning device to create a precise digital map of your patient’s residual limb.

Display of MyFit TT modeling software screen with preset parameters
Follow a clinically guided workflow

The software provides a range of preset parameters based on your selected liner, the socket format and key characteristics of the patient’s residual limb. You can follow or modify them as needed.

Presjek drška MyFit TT izrađenog 3D ispisom prikazuje imitaciju trabekularnih koštanih struktura
Doživite iskustvo optimalne stabilnosti putem lagane bioničke konstrukcije

Imitacija trabekularnih koštanih struktura omogućuje idealan omjer težine i stabilnosti. Dok se težina drška smanjuje, postiže se velika stabilnost koja se može održavati čak i kod većih vrijednosti fleksije ili lateralnog pomaka. 

Two O&P professionals projecting MyFit TT modelling software on beamer screen for socket design
Precisely align socket and adapter

During the design workflow you can define the exact alignment of your patient’s socket, including abduction/adduction, flexion/extension and/or rotational shift.

O&P professionals with laptop sending MyFit TT socket order for fabrication via the iFab Customer Center
Send your 3D model for fabrication

Once your socket design is ready, it takes just a few clicks to configure the check or definitive socket, complete your order and start the production process.

Softver za 3D skeniranje iFab EasyScan
Inteligentna pomoć za individualna prilagođavanja

Na temelju specifičnih podataka pacijenta, naš softver za modifikaciju nudi automatska prilagođavanja, primjerice smanjenja obruba, koja možete provjeriti, promijeniti ili prilagoditi u bilo kojem trenutku. 

Ottobock O&P professional with laptop using MyFitTT modelling software for socket design
Upload your scan and create an order

Log in to the iFab Customer Center (iCC), load your scan into the MyFit TT modelling software and indicate if you’d like to order a check or definitive socket.

O&P professional fitting a 3D printed MyFit TT definitive socket to a user sitting on a chair
Have their definitive socket 3D-printed

Confident your design will deliver an optimal fit? Skip the check socket and simply order a definitive socket based on your final 3D model.

Ortopedski tehničar pri korištenju softvera za modifikaciju iFab EasyScan za držak MyFit TT izrađen 3D ispisom
Brzo savladavanje, jednostavna primjena

Ne treba vam nikakvo prethodno znanje kako biste odmah započeli uz minimalnu potrebnu obuku. Vodimo vas korak po korak kroz cjelokupni postupak skeniranja i modifikacije. Jednostavno i intuitivno.

Iskustvo korisnika

Why professionals & patients love MyFit TT 

“It’s wonderful for someone like me.”

Bruno lost a foot to type 2 diabetes, but wasn’t ready to let his amputation slow him down. His MyFit TT socket provided the safety and stability he needed to navigate his countryside home. 

It’s important for a prosthesis to have a good fit. You need to believe it’s your own leg. With a MyFit TT socket, my prosthesis feels like a part of me.

Bruno, MyFit TT user

“I’m back to being me.”

Prvih 18 mjeseci stalno samo morao dolaziti u ured protetičara. Isprobao sam mnogo probnih držaka kod kojih nalijeganje jednostavno nikad nije bilo u potpunosti u redu. Sada je tvrtka Ottobock ponudila novi postupak koji se malo razlikuje. 
Ovo je moj držak proteze MyFit TT. Skenirali su moju nogu i izradili ga na temelju kontura moje noge. Onda se dogodilo nešto nevjerojatno. Kad su mi ga donijeli da ga isprobam prvi put, pristajao je savršeno.


Dilon, korisnik MyFit TT

“Like magic!”

An avid cyclist, Laurent knew he wanted a socket that helped keep him on the pedals. With his new MyFit TT socket, he was wowed by how comfortably and confidently he could pursue his favorite activities.

With MyFit TT and its attachment system, I have a lot of flexibility. I can really bend it. It’s great for cycling. It’s magical!

Laurent, MyFit TT user

“MyFit TT fits me 100 %.”

MyFit TT odgovara mi 100 %. Mogu trčati, skakati, sprintati. Imam sve što mi je potrebno i radim sve što želim u svakom trenutku. To je ono što je meni najvažnije.

Beytullah, korisnik MyFit TT

“In a word, it’s just ‘wow!’

Za mene je najvažnije u životu da moja proteza dobro naliježe i da je udobna. 
Volim duge šetnje te mnogo i intenzivno treniram. Dapače, moj je život postao intenzivniji! Uistinu sam sretna što sam prošla iskustvo cijelog postupka s MyFit TT. Jednom riječju – „VAU“!


Danuta, korisnica MyFit TT

“The transition is simple.”

Both these experienced O&P professionals were amazed by how quickly their colleagues could make the switch from plaster models to MyFit TT. “If you can click a mouse and modify a plaster model, you can use MyFit TT.”

The intuitive solution not only made it easy to digitize their TT workflows, it also gave the O&P professionals more time for what matters most. “It allows us to spend less time back in the lab and more time focused on our patients.

Jeffrey & Ryan, O&P professionals

“It makes our work much easier.”

When their practices decided to digitize TT fittings, Quentin & Mathis saw the benefits almost immediately: sockets that maximize patients’ comfort. 

MyFit TT also brought a new level of efficiency to some of their essential daily workflows. “The software makes rectification and shaping the socket easier. Saving time in the workshop gives us more to spend with our patients.”

Quentin & Mathis, O&P professionals

Wolid's MyFit TT experience

Pacijenti koji su iskusili tradicionalni proces prilagođavanja kažu da im definitivno neće nedostajati kaos s kalupom. Postupak opskrbe postao je praktičniji i učinkovitiji.

Wolid Sharif, ortopedski tehničar, sa svojim pacijentom Beytullahom i njegovim novim drškom MyFit TT izrađenim 3D ispisom

Način funkcioniranja

Most important characteristics & advantages

User-friendly modelling software

MyFit TT is a powerful new way for you to harness the skills you’ve always relied on most. The intuitive digital design suite brings all the tools you need straight to your browser:

- An attribute-based model generated from a high-fidelity 3D residual limb scan

- Detailed control of socket dimensions, orientation, alignment, trim lines and more

- Integrated ordering process for check and definitive sockets

From 3D-scanning to the 3D-printed prosthesis

Digitalno dizajniran držak My Fit TT izrađen 3D ispisom jednostavan je način za digitalizaciju vaših radnih procesa i izradu proizvoda koji dobro pristaju u kraćem vremenu.
Najprije napravite 3D snimak batrljka svojeg pacijenta s pomoću softvera iFab EasyScan. Zatim obradite svoj skenirani 3D model prilagođavanjem i optimiranjem u softveru za modifikaciju. Na temelju specifičnih podataka pacijenta, softver nudi automatska prilagođavanja, primjerice smanjenja obruba, koja možete provjeriti, promijeniti ili prilagoditi u bilo kojem trenutku. Svaki korak modifikacije sprema se i može se reproducirati i prema potrebi rekonstruirati.
Sada se probni držak ili konačni držak mogu naručiti putem naše platforme iFab Customer Center (iCC). Vaš probni držak dobro pristaje? Konačni držak izrađen ispisom može se brzo naručiti jer su vam pri ruci svi podatci. U slučaju da su i potrebne kakve prilagodbe, možete ih primijeniti na konačni držak.
Za postupak skeniranja i modifikacije ne treba vam nikakvo prethodno znanje kako biste odmah započeli uz minimalnu potrebnu obuku. Vodimo vas korak po korak kroz cjelokupni postupak.

State-of-the-art fabrication process

Whether you’re ordering a first test socket or ready for a definitive fitting, MyFit TT makes it easy to order the exact socket format, components, and and configuration you need:

- One-stop online hub for socket design, modification, and orders

- Socket selection and configuration in just a few clicks

- Timely production and delivery straight to your practice



Comprehensive below-knee workflow

MyFit TT combines everything O&P professionals need to digitize this critical part of today’s O&P treatment:

User-friendly modelling software that gives you full digital control of your socket designs

Versatile socket configurations, including both check sockets and definitive sockets with different suspension systems

A state-of-the-art fabrication process that brings a new level of efficiency to socket production



Versatile socket configurations

With MyFit TT, you can select from a wide range of options and socket components to optimize each socket for your patient – all from a single design and ordering procedure. Choose from:

- A ThermoLyn check socket and/or 3D-printed definitive socket

- Pin suspension system or vacuum system (passive or active)

- Multiple other options including valves, shuttle locks and adapters




Informacije o proizvodu

Maks. tjelesna težinaStupanj mobilnostiRazina amputacije
125 kg1, 2, 3, 4Transtibial amputation

Datoteka proizvoda

Please select items for "Attributes".
Please select items for "Attributes".