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App update

MyoPlus App update – now simpler, faster and more reliable

Myo Plus pattern recognition is optimized for the bebionic hand and the MyoBock system. It transforms muscle signals into myoelectric signals using electrodes on the forearm and translates them directly into movements of a prosthetic hand.

Myo Plus learns to interpret the user's individual movement patterns, assigning each to a specific movement of the prosthesis. These patterns can be adapted with the Myo Plus app. This intuitive control enables users to fully utilize the potential of their highly complex, multi-articulating prosthetic hands.

The Myo Plus app allows you to easily use and configure your hand prosthesis. It serves as a 'window into the prosthesis' and visualizes muscle activities in the residual limb through the spiderplot.

What's new in the Myo Plus app:

  • New simplified and user-friendly design

  • Enhanced usability

  • In-app step-by-step guides

  • Personal activity tracker (Myo Connect)

  • Fixed Bluetooth issues

  • Bug fixes


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