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17AD1000 - Foot orthoses and ankle orthoses

Nexgear Tango Ankle Joint

Strong. Dynamic. Modular.
Product typeAnkle joint influencing the knee
MaterialStainless steel
User groupadults, mature adults, youth, children
Sve specifikacije
Pregled prednosti
Walk more safely again with the reaction module of the Nexgear Tango
Walk more smoothly with the Tango

The reaction module allows you to walk more smoothly and efficiently. The individually required energy return can be optimised thanks to the various springs. Your O&P professional chooses the corresponding spring for you.

Individually adaptable thanks to exchangeable function modules
Individual adaptation possible at any time

The function and design of the ankle joint can be adapted at any time with its three exchangeable modules. This means you can use the joint throughout the entire rehabilitation process, even as your needs change.

Quick module and spring selection
Quick selection of the right module

The Tango Fit Kit makes it quick and simple to select the module and springs. During the fitting process, the O&P professional can test all three modules and springs on the user in order to find the proper setting and alignment.

Iskustva korisnika

Bostjan with the Nexgear Tango

The lower leg muscles in both of Bostjan’s legs are paralysed due to incomplete paraplegia after a severe climbing accident. He fell off a climbing wall from a height of 13 metres. Recently fitted with the Nexgear Tango, he talks about his active everyday life.


Informacije o proizvodu

Product typeAnkle joint influencing the knee
MaterialStainless steel
User groupadults, mature adults, youth, children

Datoteka s podacima o proizvodu

Article numberMax. body weightSystem width
17AD100=1015 kg (unilateral)/25 kg (bilateral)10 mm
17AD100=10-T15 kg (unilateral)/25 kg (bilateral)10 mm
17AD100=1220 kg (unilateral)/40 kg (bilateral)12 mm
17AD100=12-T20 kg (unilateral)/40 kg (bilateral)12 mm
17AD100=1450 kg (unilateral)/80 kg (bilateral)14 mm
17AD100=14-T50 kg (unilateral)/80 kg (bilateral)14 mm
17AD100=1685 kg (unilateral)/120 kg (bilateral)16 mm
17AD100=16-T85 kg (unilateral)/120 kg (bilateral)16 mm
17AD100=20110 kg (unilateral)/160 kg (bilateral)20 mm
17AD100=20-T110 kg (unilateral)/160 kg (bilateral)20 mm
17AD100A=HS-1015 kg (unilateral)/25 kg (bilateral)10 mm
17AD100A=HS-1220 kg (unilateral)/40 kg (bilateral)12 mm
17AD100A=HS-1450 kg (unilateral)/80 kg (bilateral)14 mm
17AD100A=HS-1685 kg (unilateral)/120 kg (bilateral)16 mm
17AD100A=HS-20110 kg (unilateral)/160 kg (bilateral)20 mm
Article number17AD100A=HS-1017AD100A=HS-1217AD100A=HS-1417AD100A=HS-1617AD100A=HS-2017AD100=1017AD100=10-T17AD100=1217AD100=12-T17AD100=1417AD100=14-T17AD100=1617AD100=16-T17AD100=2017AD100=20-T
Max. body weight15 kg (unilateral)/25 kg (bilateral)20 kg (unilateral)/40 kg (bilateral)50 kg (unilateral)/80 kg (bilateral)85 kg (unilateral)/120 kg (bilateral)110 kg (unilateral)/160 kg (bilateral)15 kg (unilateral)/25 kg (bilateral)15 kg (unilateral)/25 kg (bilateral)20 kg (unilateral)/40 kg (bilateral)20 kg (unilateral)/40 kg (bilateral)50 kg (unilateral)/80 kg (bilateral)50 kg (unilateral)/80 kg (bilateral)85 kg (unilateral)/120 kg (bilateral)85 kg (unilateral)/120 kg (bilateral)110 kg (unilateral)/160 kg (bilateral)110 kg (unilateral)/160 kg (bilateral)
System width10 mm12 mm14 mm16 mm20 mm10 mm10 mm12 mm12 mm14 mm14 mm16 mm16 mm20 mm20 mm
