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1C10 - Prosthetic feet


Ready to conquer the day.
Mobility grade2, 3
Max. body weight125 kg
Amputation levelTransfemoral amputation, Transtibial amputation, Hip disarticulation
Sve specifikacije
Pregled prednosti
Carbon spring
Carbon spring

The carbon spring provides good forefoot stability and an efficient energy return. The split forefoot spring also provides stability when walking and standing – including on uneven surfaces.

Iskustva korisnika


“When my right foot was amputated after my accident at work, I really despaired at first. My first successes came thanks to physical training, followed by motivation and praise from my doctors and therapists. After that, heading back to work was only a matter of time. These days, I feel ready for any everyday activity and up for new challenges. Those around me often forget that I’m a prosthesis wearer, and that’s a good thing.”


Informacije o proizvodu

Mobility grade2, 3
Max. body weight125 kg
Amputation levelTransfemoral amputation, Transtibial amputation, Hip disarticulation

Datoteka s podacima o proizvodu

Article numberMobility gradeSideSizeWeight (without footshell)StiffnessMax. body weight
1C10=N2223-2-P/02, 3N22-23 cm245 g275 kg
1C10=N2425-3-P/02, 3N24-25 cm302 g3100 kg
1C10=N2628-4-P/02, 3N26-28 cm343 g4125 kg
Article number1C10=N2223-2-P/01C10=N2425-3-P/01C10=N2628-4-P/0
Mobility grade2, 32, 32, 3
Size22-23 cm24-25 cm26-28 cm
Weight (without footshell)245 g302 g343 g
Max. body weight75 kg100 kg125 kg



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