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Academy Digital Learning

Prosthetics Upper Limb
Body-powered prostheses

Therapy for Transradial Body-Powered Users

This video-tutorial supports CPOs and occupational therapists regarding the therapay and rehabilitation of users with above-elbow Body-Powered arm prostheses. They are guided through the therapy and training sessions step by step: From the assessment to the the therapy and rehabilitation part and finally ending with the quality check. Refers to steps 2, 6 and 7 of the treatment cycle of the Ottobock Body-Powered Education Concept.
This video-tutorial supports CPOs and occupational therapists regarding the therapay and rehabilitation of users with above-elbow Body-Powered arm prostheses. They are guided through the therapy and training sessions step by step: From the assessment to the the therapy and rehabilitation part and finally ending with the quality check. Refers to steps 2, 6 and 7 of the treatment cycle of the Ottobock Body-Powered Education Concept.
Prosthetics Upper Limb
Body-powered prostheses

Therapy for transhumeral body-powered users

This video-tutorial supports CPOs and occupational therapists regarding the therapy and rehabilitation of users with above-elbow body-powered arm prostheses. They are guided through the therapy and training sessions step by step: From the assessment to the the therapy and rehabilitation part and finally ending with the quality check. Refers to steps 2, 6 and 7 of the treatment cycle of the Ottobock body-powered education concept.
This video-tutorial supports CPOs and occupational therapists regarding the therapy and rehabilitation of users with above-elbow body-powered arm prostheses. They are guided through the therapy and training sessions step by step: From the assessment to the the therapy and rehabilitation part and finally ending with the quality check. Refers to steps 2, 6 and 7 of the treatment cycle of the Ottobock body-powered education concept.

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