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4R57 - Adaptör

Rotation Adapter

Daha fazla güvenlik ve konfor için fonksiyonel adaptör

After a leg amputation, patients want to ensure that they can resume their usual everyday activities under the best possible conditions even with a prosthesis. This primarily requires the ability to perform turning and rotation movements of the knee joint. Ottobock has developed a rotation adapter for this purpose which makes everyday life easier for you in a number of ways. Next to sitting in comfort, activities such as putting on socks and shoes or driving a car are more convenient as well. For example, you can swing your prosthesis out of the way while driving, which not only provides more space in the footwell but also prevents the prosthetic foot from getting caught in the area of the pedals. Furthermore, the rotation adapter allows you to cross your legs and even sit cross-legged.

After a leg amputation, patients want to ensure that they can resume their usual everyday activities under the best possible conditions even with a prosthesis. This primarily requires the ability to perform turning and rotation movements of the knee joint. Ottobock has developed a rotation adapter for this purpose which makes everyday life easier for you in a number of ways. Next to sitting in comfort, activities such as putting on socks and shoes or driving a car are more convenient as well. For example, you can swing your prosthesis out of the way while driving, which not only provides more space in the footwell but also prevents the prosthetic foot from getting caught in the area of the pedals. Furthermore, the rotation adapter allows you to cross your legs and even sit cross-legged.

The 4R57 rotation adapter is approved for a body weight of up to 150 kilograms and is now also available in a waterproof version. Your orthopaedics specialist will be happy to advise you regarding your specific requirements.

Ürün türüFonksiyonel adaptörler
Mobilite derecesi1, 2, 3, 4
Maks. vücut ağırlığı150 kg
Tüm özellikler

Ürün bilgileri

Ürün türüFonksiyonel adaptörler
Mobilite derecesi1, 2, 3, 4
Maks. vücut ağırlığı150 kg

Ürün belgesi

Ürün numarasıMobilite derecesiMalzemeProksimal bağlantıDistal bağlantıSistem yüksekliğiMontaj yüksekliğiAğırlıkDönmeMaks. vücut ağırlığı
4R571, 2, 3, 4Paslanmaz çelikAyar çekirdeğiAyar çekirdeği yuvası22 mm22 mm170 gmaks. 360° (kozmetik sünger olmadan)150 kg
4R57=ST1, 2, 3, 4Paslanmaz çelikDişAyar çekirdeği yuvası42 mm24 mm185 gmaks. 360° (kozmetik sünger olmadan)150 kg
Ürün numarası4R574R57=ST
Mobilite derecesi1, 2, 3, 41, 2, 3, 4
MalzemePaslanmaz çelikPaslanmaz çelik
Proksimal bağlantıAyar çekirdeğiDiş
Distal bağlantıAyar çekirdeği yuvasıAyar çekirdeği yuvası
Sistem yüksekliği22 mm42 mm
Montaj yüksekliği22 mm24 mm
Ağırlık170 g185 g
Dönmemaks. 360° (kozmetik sünger olmadan)maks. 360° (kozmetik sünger olmadan)
Maks. vücut ağırlığı150 kg150 kg
