Konumunuzu onaylayın

Yerel Ottobock pazarınız ile iletişime girmek için konumunuzu onaylayın veya bir ülke listesinden seçim yapın. Daima doğru yerde olmanız için, gelecekte sizin seçtiğiniz sayfaya yönlendirilmenizi sağlayacağız.


Loaner and trial units

Our users remain independent and mobile even during maintenance or repairs. Ottobock offers loaner units for various premium products. Potential users can also try out trial units.

Our users remain independent and mobile even during maintenance or repairs. Ottobock offers loaner units for various premium products. Potential users can also try out trial units.

Ottobock offers loaner units and trial units for many products and has access to a globally available pool of some 24,000 units for this purpose.

Please contact Ottobock customer service if you need a loaner unit. As soon as it arrives, you can arrange an appointment with the user and then carry out the corresponding fitting. Please see the description in the download area for detailed information about the process.

Want to test one of our products?

For your convenience, we have a pool of trial units which will allow you to perform trial fittings quickly and easily. We provide you with the required product for a low rental fee. By using this service, you can introduce your customers to new developments and alternative products.
Please feel free to contact our customer service if you have questions or would like more information.


Bereitstellung einer Service- oder Testeinheit

Wie die Bereitstellung einer Service- oder Testeinheit abläuft, zeigen wir Ihnen am Beispiel eines Ottobock Kniegelenks.
Wie die Bereitstellung einer Service- oder Testeinheit abläuft, zeigen wir Ihnen am Beispiel eines Ottobock Kniegelenks.
