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3WR95 - Knee prosthetics

Aqua Knee

Get wet!

Uncertain and less active prosthesis wearers can activate the lock for added safety in the stance phase. For use in the unlocked state, it is possible to adjust the dynamic flexion and extension resistances separately from one another for swing phase control according to the individual needs of the amputee, as with the 3R95. Flood holes to the right and left on the joint body allow the knee joint to flood when entering the water and facilitate joint cleaning.

Uncertain and less active prosthesis wearers can activate the lock for added safety in the stance phase. For use in the unlocked state, it is possible to adjust the dynamic flexion and extension resistances separately from one another for swing phase control according to the individual needs of the amputee, as with the 3R95. Flood holes to the right and left on the joint body allow the knee joint to flood when entering the water and facilitate joint cleaning.

Product type
Mobility grade
Max. body weight150 kg
All specifications

Product information

Max. body weight150 kg
Amputation levelTransfemoral amputation
