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8S501 - Prosthetic gloves

AxonSkin Natural

Simply eye-catching.

AxonSkin Natural impresses with a particularly natural look and unique aesthetics; it is also very robust and relatively durable. A special finish makes it considerably more resistant to soiling and easier to clean. Hand-drawn details such as veins, knuckles and fingernails make the glove look like a natural hand.

AxonSkin Natural impresses with a particularly natural look and unique aesthetics; it is also very robust and relatively durable. A special finish makes it considerably more resistant to soiling and easier to clean. Hand-drawn details such as veins, knuckles and fingernails make the glove look like a natural hand.

User groupmen
Product familyMichelangelo Axon Bus
All specifications

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Product familyMichelangelo Axon Bus

Product Data

Article numberSideUser group
8S501=Lleft (L)men
8S501=Rright (R)men
