Knee-Ankle-Foot orthotics
28FS300Knee-Ankle-Foot orthotics
Indications | Stroke, other, Multiple sclerosis, Neurological disorders |
User group | children, adults |
Applications | Custom Orthotics, Bracing & Support/ (OTS) |
28FS100Knee-Ankle-Foot orthotics
Indications | Stroke, other, Neurological disorders |
User group | adults |
Applications | Custom Orthotics, Bracing & Support/ (OTS) |
17LK3Knee-Ankle-Foot orthotics
Terms and conditions | Stroke, Cerebral palsy, Neurological disorders |
User group | youths, adults, children, elderly |
Applications | Custom orthotics |
17KO1000=0_BKnee-Ankle-Foot orthotics
Terms and conditions | Paraplegia, Paralysis, Neurological disorders |
User group | adults |
Applications | Custom orthotics |
17KL100Knee-Ankle-Foot orthotics
Indications | Neurological disorders |
User group | adults, youth, children |
Applications | Custom Orthotics |
17KF210Knee-Ankle-Foot orthotics
Indications | Neurological disorders |
User group | adults, youth, children |
Applications | Custom Orthotics |
17KF110Knee-Ankle-Foot orthotics
Indications | Neurological disorders |
User group | adults, youth, children |
Applications | Custom Orthotics |
17B23Knee-Ankle-Foot orthotics
Terms and conditions | Stroke, Hemiplegie, Multiple sclerosis, Cerebral palsy, Paraplegia, Paralysis, Neurological disorders |
User group | adults, elderly, youths |
Applications | Custum orthetics |
17B203Knee-Ankle-Foot orthotics
Terms and conditions | Paraplegia, Paralysis, Neurological disorders |
User group | youths, adults, elderly |
Applications | Custom orthotics |
170K1Knee-Ankle-Foot orthotics
Terms and conditions | Stroke, Multiple sclerosis, Cerebral palsy, Paraplegia, Paralysis, Neurological disorders |
User group | youths, adults, elderly |
Applications | Custum orthetics |
11 results out of 11