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Orthotic Technology


Make an informed choice

The science of orthotics is broad, encompassing everything from a simple brace for your wrist to complex, custom-designed products that can help people with impaired mobility walk further and with more stability and flexibility.

The latest advances are pushing the boundaries for people who until now have been limited to wheelchairs or rigid braces. Understanding a bit more about the mechanics of gait – how we walk – can make it easier to compare the various options and have a meaningful conversation with your clinician.

Stance Control Orthotics Explained

Compared to walking with a locked leg brace, a stance-control orthosis is a brace that helps create a more natural stride. “Stance control” means that instead of stability coming from a locked knee joint, the brace is able to lock and unlock at just the right time while walking.

Ottobock C-Brace orthosis user with her grandchild in the henhouse

The Future: Orthotronic Mobility Science

For decades, orthotic bracing severely limited mobility, making walking challenging from physical and emotional perspectives. In recent years, instead of a brace that was always locked, innovations have pushed the limits of mobility, helping people to walk confidently, knowing that their brace would be firm when needed and swing freely when moving forward.


Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES)

More commonly known as FES, functional electrical stimulation systems activate your nervous system using electric impulses so your muscles do what you want them to do.
