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Experience the new Genium X4 Microprocessor Knee.

Want to know more about the Genium X4? Get in touch today.


Do you ever stop and wonder what’s next?

For thousands of people who trust our MPKs, we know what we want the answer to be: the next adventure, the next achievement, the next discovery.

We’ve spent over 100 years innovating products that make that possible. And now, we’re taking another ground-breaking step forward – with a new generation of our unrivalled MPK technology.

Get ready to free your mind and unlock your true potential with the Genium X4: a next-gen Ottobock microprocessor knee (MPK) that sets a new standard of performance, durability, and customisability.

With its durable design and pioneering technology, every movement with this extraordinary knee - big, small, forward, backward, and beyond - flows seamlessly into the next, from daily tasks, to work and family activities, to life’s biggest achievements. And with its state-of-the-art app ( it can be fully tailored to each users’ unique needs, goals, and preferences. Keep reading to discover the ground-breaking design, digital solutions, and personalisable features that make it possible.

Empower Your Body

Empower Your Body.

Extraordinary MPK technology delivers unparalleled performance for life's ups and downs, and everything in between. From walking on slopes to dynamic backward movement to seamless, flowing transitions, it enables complete mastery of every moment. Plus it's tailored to your precise gait, lifestyle needs, and personal preferences.

A man with a Genium X4 prosthetic knee from Ottobock is walking up a steep snow covered slope with a sunset mountain scene behind him.

Glide up and down slopes and stairs

Experience a new level of ease, no matter the surface or gradient.

Free Your Mind

Free Your Mind.

Genium X4 provides extraordinarily close to natural, intuitive, easy movement. No more overthinking every step. This next-gen prosthetic technology just works - and it's built on Ottobock's legacy of proven safety and reliability. So you can relax and soak in every moment as you embrace more opportunities in everyday life.

A man with a Genium X4 prosthetic knee from Ottobock is walking down a shallow rocky slope towards the sea.

Live in the moment

Stop thinking about every step and just live your life with an MPK tailored to your unique physiology. Genium X4 increases your walking comfort and enables you to go through your day with ease.

Maximise Your Potential

Maximise Your Potential.

Genium X4 delivers an incredibly personalised experience. Whether you're an artist, explorer, office worker, parent, or all of the above, Genium X4 technology is all about you and how you want to move. From individual MyModes to a customisable cover to its fully waterproof design, you can go where life takes you.

A Genium X4 prosthetic knee user is playing basketball

Make use of customisable MyModes

Choose up to five MyModes, which can be extensively customised by your prosthetist and fine-tuned via your Cockpit App.

For Professionals

Professionals, Perfect Your Fittings.

The new Genium X4 setup app provides the extraordinary control and flexibility prosthetists need to expertly navigate through the setup and customisation process.

A man with a Genium X4 MPK is sitting on a bench inside talking to a woman

Start smart

The app automatically provides initial settings based on user data entered by the prosthetist.



Success stories

See why users love their Genium X4.

Dave lives in the moment.

Small details can make a huge difference, especially for bilateral amputees like Dave. Being able to step back when opening the fridge, starting to walk after waiting in line and navigating slopes.

Now he's free to do it all without thinking, thanks to the natural, instantaneous support of his Genium X4s.


What users want to know about the Genium X4.

Take a closer look.

The Genium X4 brings together all the best features of our MPK family. Discover these as well as the new exciting and innovative features of the Genium X4 microprocessor knee in detail.

Learn More

Want to know more? Contact us using the form below.