Spina Bifida
About Spina Bifida
Spina bifida is a fault in the development of the spine and spinal cord which leaves a gap in the spine.
During the first month of life, an embryo (developing baby) grows a structure called the neural tube that will eventually form the spine and nervous system.
In cases of spina bifida, something goes wrong and the spinal column (the bone that surrounds and protects the nerves) does not fully close. Spina bifida is also known as split spine.
The exact causes are unknown, but several risk factors have been identified, the most significant being a lack of folic acid before and at the very start of pregnancy.
There are a number of different types of spina bifida, the most serious being myelomeningocele (affecting one pregnancy in every 1,000 in Britain). Ottobock's mobility solutions can improve your quality of life if you have spina bifida.