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Safe and comfortable

Kimba buggy

The Ottobock Kimba rehab buggy is actually a completely ordinary pushchair. It’s a perfect and stylish companion on the way to nursery, the supermarket or therapy.

The Ottobock Kimba rehab buggy is actually a completely ordinary pushchair. It’s a perfect and stylish companion on the way to nursery, the supermarket or therapy.

Ottobock wheelchairs

Thanks to many years of experience, Ottobock offers custom solutions that help users manage their everyday routines with mobility and quality of life – and enjoy doing so. The illustrated products represent treatment examples. Many different factors determine whether a product is actually suitable for you and whether you are capable of taking full advantage of the functionality of the product. Key aspects include your physical condition, fitness and a detailed medical examination. Your doctor or O&P professional will also decide which treatment is best suited to you. We’re here to support you.