Emilia's story
Emilia has shown us what really matters in life, what really counts!
- Emilia's parents -

Emilia's everyday life is varied and relaxed
When Emilia’s parents found out about her disability, it hit them hard at first. What exactly is Emilia's disease? Inv dup del(8p) is a very rare chromosomal abnormality. Possible clinical features include: intellectual disability, severe developmental delay (psychomotor and speech development), hypotonia with a tendency to develop increasing muscle hypertonus, spinal curvature and joint contractures. Physiotherapy and occupational therapy are recommended from an early age. Music therapy has also helped numerous patients.
It takes a while to accept the situation as it is. Today, all family members are totally in love with their sunshine. "The most important thing is that Emilia is happy and can laugh!" says Emilia's mother Stephanie. The young family especially enjoys spending time in nature. Fortunately, there are numerous beautiful lakes and child-friendly hiking trails in their area. The Kimba buggy has been the perfect companion for Emilia and her family from the very beginning. The decision to buy a rehab buggy was made rather late. Many parents experience this, because the differences and real benefits are not immediately obvious at first. What is more, a rehab buggy is not "normal" and often not "nice" either. When Stephanie saw the Kimba buggy for the first time, she was thrilled and there was no other option. For Emilia, too, it was love at first sight from day one. "We haven't seen her sit so relaxed in a long time. In the Kimba seat, Emilia sits as if she were on a throne and feels right at home," reports Andreas, Emilia’s father. Emilia's mother adds: "We are happy that we researched the topic of rehab buggies and came across the Kimba family. Our everyday life has become much more versatile and relaxed." Besides hiking, Emilia loves music. Whether singing or dancing, she is right on board, which also makes her little sister Marina very happy. The two have a very special relationship. Thanks to the Ottobock Kimba products, Emilia's possibilities in everyday life have become virtually endless. Kimba Home enables them to interact on equal terms, and the two sisters enjoy moments that were hardly possible before. It is also possible to play without mom sometimes, since the Kimba seat gives Emilia the stability she needs. "It makes me proud and incredibly happy to see my two children playing together without having to rearrange the entire living room or Marina having to adapt to Emilia's sitting position. In this case, the big sister adapts to the little one," says Stephanie.
Custom-made orthotics give Emilia additional stability and improve her overall statics through the stretching effect. Ideally, she should wear them 23 hours a day to take advantage of the combination of stretching effect and inhibition of the spastic pattern. Every beginning is difficult. Currently, she is still practicing wearing it, and the wearing time is getting longer every day. "For any parent, the first step is very special. For us, it was a great feeling to see that our little sunshine has the necessary stability to take guided steps thanks to orthotics," says Andreas.
Unterstützung für alle Lebenslagen
The degree of care required by children differs significantly from that of adults. Children's aids must be adjustable to grow with them, individually adaptable and versatile. They provide support in everyday life and ensure maximum possible mobility.

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