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Léa's story

I can do whatever I feel like doing. And that feels great.

- Léa -

Léa is wearing the Exopulse Mollii Suit and is playing basketball.
Léa's Story

Léa's everyday life is versatile and sporty

Léa enjoys doing sports. She plays basketball, likes horseback riding and enjoys karting and skiing–none of which was possible four years ago. Léa was born with cerebral palsy, could not even sit with her back straight or her legs crossed, nor was she able to turn her wrist normally. The Exopulse Mollii Suit changed this right away. The innovative neuromodulation suit has improved her sense of balance and helped her walk further distances. Now she is able to stand for a longer time and has much less pain than before. Most of all, she is happy that she no longer needs Botox injections. And that she is able to cook.

Exopulse Mollii Suit

Der Neuromodulations anzug

Léa is wearing the Exopulse Mollii Suit and playing with her dog.

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