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Mira's story

We are a young family with a normal daily routine.

- Mira's parents -

Mira and her parents
Mira's story

Mira's everyday life is varied and relaxed

A healthy lifestyle and exercise are part of Marcel’s, Lisa’s and Mira's everyday life. Be it running, swimming, cycling, snowboarding or horseback riding: They prefer to spend their leisure time outdoors. Even pregnancy did not change this attitude to life nor did it involve any complications. There was no diagnosis of any maldevelopment, disorder or disability. Pure excitement about life as a family of three.

Complications during or after birth can lead to permanent disabilities. This was also the case with Mira. She has severe motor developmental disabilities due to unexpected complications during delivery. This manifests as inadequate trunk control. She can hold her head independently but has no purposeful grasping. Despite a swallowing disorder, Mira is now able to take porridge by mouth if someone helps her. In addition, direct eye contact is not possible due to a central vision disorder. Mira's parents, Marcel and Lisa, have taken their time to recover from the stress of the birth as well as from Mira's diagnosis. A child determines your entire everyday life, but a physically handicapped child determines your everyday life 24/7. "We are special, crazy, maybe brave, and have often heard that we are quite different from other families with a child who needs help. "Daily aids were chosen based on recommendations from the medical supply store and private research on the Internet. Mira loves to be sung to and played with. She likes anything that flashes and makes music. She prefers to be entertained all day. But she also likes to just listen to children's songs or watch Winnie-the-Pooh. Besides, she is a real "sweetie pie" and likes almost everything that is sweet. Another favorite family activity is being outdoors. All three love to take their road bikes and Kimba Cross out for a spin. Since Mira no longer has to ride in the old bike trailer, it is also much more relaxing for mom and dad, because Kimba Cross can be easily attached to the bike, and also for Mira, because she is much more relaxed and safe in the familiar, comfortable seat.

An active and varied daily routine is very important to the family. To make everyday life as pleasant and independent as possible for everyone involved, Mira uses various mobility aids.

Kimba Familie

Unterstützung für alle Lebenslagen

The degree of care required by children differs significantly from that of adults. Children's aids must be adjustable to grow with them, individually adaptable and versatile. They provide support in everyday life and ensure maximum possible mobility.

Mira sits in her Kimba and looks at a woman

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