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Innovative prostheses for people with disabilities

3105286--169-col (HQ)
3105286--169-col (HQ)
3105286--169-col (HQ)

Closed loop for optimum treatment

We take a holistic approach to treatment so people can enjoy the best possible quality of life.
From the initial consultation through to taking measurements,
fitting the device and rehabilitation – we offer guidance and support,
and develop custom solutions.


Mobility is the key to living life on your own terms – for people in any age group. We have been striving to provide people with disabilities with the best possible quality of life for over 100 years. Valuable feedback regarding our users’ day-to-day experiences helps our product developers see the world through their eyes.



Our goal is to help people move more freely and with less pain, correct malpositions and provide effective support for the healing process. Orthoses and supports have proven to be particularly effective for these purposes.

Take life further with the C-Brace


Ottobock Human Mobility products include a broad selection of manual and power wheelchairs, wheelchairs for children, rehab buggies and seating and positioning solutions. They support and promote independence and mobility for people with disabilities. Thanks to many years of experience, Ottobock offers custom solutions that help users manage their everyday routines with mobility and quality of life – and enjoy doing so.


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