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1A30 - Foot prosthetics

Greissinger Plus Foot HH 10mm

Individually adjustable multiaxial function

The 1A30 Greissinger plus is a prosthetic foot for moderately active users. All-round mobility is achieved by the rollover of the titanium adapter on the ring-shaped elastomer, which is adapted for stress in the a/p and m/l directions, combined with the fork in a flexible suspension.

The 1A30 Greissinger plus is a prosthetic foot for moderately active users. All-round mobility is achieved by the rollover of the titanium adapter on the ring-shaped elastomer, which is adapted for stress in the a/p and m/l directions, combined with the fork in a flexible suspension.

Product type
Mobility grade2, 3
Max. body weight100 kg
All specifications

Product information

Mobility grade2, 3
Max. body weight100 kg
Amputation levelTransfemoral amputation, Hip disarticulation, Transtibial amputation
MaterialPolyethylene foam, Beech wood, Titanium

Product Data

Mobility grade2, 3
Max. body weight100 kg
Sideleft (L), right (R)
Sizes24-29 cm
Weight*705 g
Foot shapeNormal shape for a heel height of 10 +/- 5 mm
System height*69 mm
Build height*87 mm
