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8E72 - Hand prosthetics

bebionic hand Flex

The most lifelike prosthetic hand

The multi-articulating bebionic hand is transforming the lives and abilities of amputees around the world. This ranges from helping them perform simple tasks like tying their shoelaces to restoring their control and self-esteem.

The multi-articulating bebionic hand is transforming the lives and abilities of amputees around the world. This ranges from helping them perform simple tasks like tying their shoelaces to restoring their control and self-esteem.

The “Flex” wrist makes it easy for the user to lock or unlock the wrist position and set the hand prosthesis in five different positions.

User groupwomen, youths, men, adults, elderly
Product familybebionic
ColourWhite, Black
All specifications
Benefits at a glance

bebionic – natural and reliable

Bebionic Hand Flex

14 selectable grips and hand positions

Bebionic Hand Flex

Bluetooth module in both hand sizes

Three wrist variants

Three wrist variants

Bebionic Hand Flex

Highly functional multi-articulating hand

Bebionic Hand Flex

Compatible with Myo Plus pattern recognition

Bebionic Hand Flex

Compatible with DynamicArm without AnalogAdapter

Bebionic Hand Flex

Passively movable fingers


Product information

User groupwomen, youths, men, adults, elderly
Product familybebionic
ColourWhite, Black
Product typebebionic hand

Product Data

Article numberSideSizeColour
8E72=L-M-Bleft (L)Medium


8E72=L-S-Bleft (L)small


8E72=L-S-Wleft (L)small


8E72=R-M-Bright (R)Medium


8E72=R-S-Bright (R)small


8E72=R-S-Wright (R)small


