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Welcome to our Scandinavian website for professionals!

David C-Brace Ottobock B2B professional
David C-Brace Ottobock B2B professional
David C-Brace Ottobock B2B professional

How we define and shape human empowerment – ​​now and tomorrow

virtual sympoium 2024 teaser image
Virtual Symposium | June 2024

We explore the latest advancements in aids for individuals with neurological impairments.

Monthly webinar image | May 2024 Foot webinar | SC
Monthly Webinar | Ottobock Scandinavia | May 2024

Nya protesfötter för en obegränsad vardag | Swedish broadcast

Flax fibres
News | GreenLine | Apr 2024

GreenLine: Pioneering Sustainability in Orthopedic Tech