Preparing for your amputation surgery
You and your care team are getting ready for both a major medical procedure and big changes in your everyday life. Learn more about what to expect and how to prepare.
You and your care team are getting ready for both a major medical procedure and big changes in your everyday life. Learn more about what to expect and how to prepare.
Getting ready to lose a hand or arm
No matter why you need an amputation surgery, you’re preparing for a life-changing event. You may have known for a while that you may lose a hand or arm. You may have just found out. Either way, you have an enormous amount on your mind right now.
While you’re facing this difficult process, remember that you’re not going through it alone. Your care team will be there at every step to help you physically and mentally prepare – for the procedure, for your recovery, and for your new life as someone with an upper limb difference.
Here are a few of the topics they’ll discuss with you, and that you’ll learn about in this article:
The different kinds of hand and arm amputations (“amputation levels”), and what to know about the kind you’ll experience
Important ways to start preparing for your amputation surgery, and how it will impact your everyday life
How and where to find support for your daily life with an upper limb difference
Common reasons people lose an upper limb
Amputation – removing a limb from the body – can be necessary for a number of different reasons. Your doctor or surgeon may have told you that you need one because of an injury, a medical condition in your hand or arm, or because of a bigger health issue that’s affecting your limb.
Your doctor or surgeon will usually decide you need an amputation surgery when they find a problem with your hand or arm that isn’t likely to heal, or that may put you at risk if the limb isn’t removed. Some common causes are:

Different “amputation levels” your procedure may involve
Just as there are many reasons your arm or hand may need to be removed, there are different forms of amputation surgery that your care team may plan for you.
Before your procedure they’ll consider a number of factors that determine the best “amputation level,” which simply means where and how your limb will be removed. Some of those considerations can include:
Where your limb has been damaged
The source or cause of that damage
How much of your remaining arm (or “residual limb”) can be saved
The location that will heal most quickly and safely
Your amputation level can also be an important factor in which prosthetic devices will be most valuable and practical for you. During the planning process, you and your care team may talk to a professional prosthetist who can help find the right device for you based on your amputation, lifestyle, and favorite activities.
Here the different levels your care team may select, and some typical prosthetic options for each one:
The appropriate amputation level is established
The term amputation level describes the place where a body part is amputated. In addition to other factors, the amputation level determines the suitable prosthesis in each case.
The amputation level is established by the doctor before the operation and is based on the reason for amputating. In the case of planned interventions, an O&P professional is usually consulted as well in order to establish what amputation level is the most favourable for the subsequent treatment with a prosthesis.
Different “amputation levels” your procedure may involve
Just as there are many reasons your arm or hand may need to be removed, there are different forms of amputation surgery that your care team may plan for you.
Before your procedure they’ll consider a number of factors that determine the best “amputation level,” which simply means where and how your limb will be removed. Some of those considerations can include:
Where your limb has been damaged
The source or cause of that damage
How much of your remaining arm (or “residual limb”) can be saved
The location that will heal most quickly and safely
Your amputation level can also be an important factor in which prosthetic devices will be most valuable and practical for you. During the planning process, you and your care team may talk to a professional prosthetist who can help find the right device for you based on your amputation, lifestyle, and favorite activities.
Here the different levels your care team may select, and some typical prosthetic options for each one:
What to expect before your amputation surgery
Removing a hand or arm is a major medical procedure, one your care team will plan and prepare you for as carefully as possible. Here are some of the key steps in that process, and some valuable ways to find the support you need as you get ready for your surgery.
(If you have an accident or sudden injury, you and your care team may not have time for all these steps. Many of them – like talking to other amputees and seeking mental health support – are still important to consider after your procedure.)
Pre-op consultations and exams
Once your doctor or surgeon decides you need an amputation surgery, they’ll give you a detailed explanation of:
The kind of amputation you need and why
What the amputation process will involve
What your recovery process will be like
Take notes and ask as many questions as you need to during these discussions. Your doctor or surgeon is there to help you understand the whole amputation process, how it will affect you, and how you need to prepare.
If you’re having a scheduled amputation procedure, your care team will also conduct a set of thorough pre-op examinations. These exams will include blood tests, x-rays, and tests to check the the strength and stability of your heart and lungs.
Physical preparation
Before your procedure, your care team will also show you some important exercises you should start doing.
These physical activities can help you strengthen your muscles in ways that make your recovery easier and more successful. Your doctor or a physical therapist on your care team will explain which ones are most important for you to do.
They may also have you speak to a professional prosthetist who can tell you which exercises will help you prepare for a prosthetic device. This specialized expert can help explain which devices may be best for you, and how to get ready to use one.
Mental preparation
When you’re getting ready for an amputation surgery, it’s important for you to prepare both physically and psychologically.
Take advantage of the time before your procedure to calm your mind and get yourself mentally ready for a life-changing event.
There are a number of ways you can do so.
Talk to a mental health professional: Discussing your fears and concerns with a trained counselor can help you feel better prepared for your procedure.
Visit a faith leader: If religion is important to you, speak to someone who can help you understand and accept how this major change will affect you.
Use a mental health app: Several evidence-based options can help you manage and work through the daily stress of an upcoming procedure.
Don’t wait to get yourself mentally ready for this difficult process and new chapter in your life. The sooner you find the right support, the easier it will be to overcome the fear, doubt, and anxiety that naturally come with such a significant change – and the better prepared you’ll be for a successful recovery.
Connecting with other amputees
When you’re facing any life-changing event, there’s often no substitute for talking to other people who’ve been through the same experience.
While you’re preparing for life with an upper limb difference – or already getting used to it – ask your care team to help connect you with the amputee community or support groups for people who share your medical condition. Talking to people who’ve been through what you’re facing can help you build the courage to succeed as well.
There are a number of groups dedicated just to people with limb differences:
Organizations like these can help connect you with support and resources in your area, introduce you to community advocates for people with limb difference, and help you start learning how to thrive with a prosthesis.