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50S8 - Голеностоп-стопа

Malleo TriStep

СостоянияТравмы в спорте, на отдыхе и работе
Группа пользователейВзрослые пользователи
ПримененияФиксация и поддержка/(OTS)
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Targeted training

The specially developed Malleo Move exercise programme provides targeted support to help your ligaments heal. The exercises are tailored to the three healing phases. You can easily perform them at home, but only after speaking with your doctor.

Immobilisation (phase I)

The Malleo TriStep immobilises your foot in the acute inflammation phase (day 0 to 4, max. to day 14). The objective is to alleviate your pain and reduce swelling in the foot. You need to elevate the foot and cool it with ice in this phase. Your doctor will provide you with detailed advice. During this phase, you wear the Malleo TriStep with the stabilisation strap and footplate. During the day, it can be worn in a flat shoe that can be opened wide.

Stabilisation (phase II)

In the new tissue formation phase (day 4 to 28), you do not have to wear the footplate during the day. The goal is to continue stabilising the foot and slowly begin to mobilise it. You continue to wear the footplate at night, which prevents the foot from rotating inward, especially when you lie on your back or on your side. This prevents the ligaments from tearing again during the night.

Support (phase III)

The tissue maturation phase begins around day 29, so you can wear the Malleo TriStep without the stabilisation strap and footplate depending on the indication. This is intended to improve your stability and mobility as well as coordination and balance. After the end of this phase, you can continue to wear the brace to prevent re-injuring the ligaments in your ankle.

Опыт пользователей

Jana with the Malleo TriStep ankle orthosis during volleyball training with her team

Jana ist Leistungssportlerin und spielt leidenschaftlich gerne Volleyball. Doch dann knickte die 25-Jährige bei einem Volleyballspiel um. Diagnose: Außenbandriss. Die Sprunggelenksorthese Malleo TriStep verhalf ihr dabei ihren Fuß langsam wieder an Bewegungen zu gewöhnen. Die Orthese bietet ihr die nötige Sicherheit und Stabilität, die sie braucht, um ihre Mobilität wieder voll und ganz wiederzuerlangen. In dem Video berichtet Jana über den Heilungsprozess und den Einsatz der Malleo TriStep.

Принцип действия

The Malleo TriStep uses a three-phase treatment concept to facilitate systematic rehabilitation of the capsular ligaments in the ankle. As the patient’s mobility increases, the stabilising function of the Malleo TriStep can be systematically adapted in each therapy phase.

Adapting the Malleo TriStep in phases supports the patient as he or she regains muscle coordination and provides adequate support for the ligaments of the ankle at every stage of therapy.


Информация об изделии

СостоянияТравмы в спорте, на отдыхе и работе
Группа пользователейВзрослые пользователи
ПримененияФиксация и поддержка/(OTS)
Принципы действияПрочее
МатериалТекстиль, Пластик
Тип изделияГоленостопные ортезы с адаптацией фазы

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