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Potvrďte vašu polohu alebo ju vyberte zo zoznamu krajín, aby ste mohli kontaktovať váš miestny trh Ottobock. Postaráme sa o to, aby ste boli v budúcnosti presmerovaní na vami zvolenú stránku, aby ste sa vždy dostali na správne miesto.


7.. - 8. 11. 2022

(po - ut)

Face-to-Face Seminar

Aktuálne technológie výroby ortéz DK

Školenie zamerané na súčasné technológie výroby ortéz so zameraním na dolné končatiny

Školenie zamerané na súčasné technológie výroby ortéz so zameraním na dolné končatiny


12. 5. 2023


Face-to-Face SeminarCPOs, Therapists, Clinicians

Medzinárodný protetický a ortotický kongres

Príďte sa na nás pozrieť na XXVII. Medzinárodný protetický a ortotický kongres

Príďte sa na nás pozrieť na XXVII. Medzinárodný protetický a ortotický kongres

Liptovský Mikuláš,

21.. - 23. 1. 2024

(ne - ut)


Skiing Days 2024

Druhý ročník Skiing Days pre amputovaných vypukne opäť v Skiareáli Lipno nad Vltavou (ČR), tentoraz v termíne 21.–23. januára 2024 (NE – UT). S registráciou neváhajte, miest je obmedzený počet.

Druhý ročník Skiing Days pre amputovaných vypukne opäť v Skiareáli Lipno nad Vltavou (ČR), tentoraz v termíne 21.–23. januára 2024 (NE – UT). S registráciou neváhajte, miest je obmedzený počet.

29. 1. - 23. 2. 2024

(po - pi)

Face-to-Face SeminarCPOs, Therapists, Clinicians

International O+P Camp: Prosthetics Upper Limb

Fundamentals seminar on intensive hands-on course on upper limb, including all relevant certifications

Fundamentals seminar on intensive hands-on course on upper limb, including all relevant certifications

Duderstadt, Germany

Please note this seminar is already fully booked. Use the registration form below to put your name on the waiting list.

10.. - 14. 2. 2025

(po - pi)

Face-to-Face SeminarCPOs

MyoBock Compact

Fundamentals seminar on transradial and transhumeral myoelectric prosthetic fittings

Fundamentals seminar on transradial and transhumeral myoelectric prosthetic fittings

Duderstadt, Nemecko

18.. - 19. 2. 2025

(ut - st)

Face-to-Face SeminarTherapists

Gait Training with Mechatronic Prosthetic Knee Joints

Advanced training with focus on gait training for C-Leg 4 and Genium X3/X4

Advanced training with focus on gait training for C-Leg 4 and Genium X3/X4

Vienna, Austria

5.. - 6. 3. 2025

(st - št)

Face-to-Face SeminarCPOs

Practical Materials

Fundamentals Seminar on innovative materials for the O&P Workshop.

Fundamentals Seminar on innovative materials for the O&P Workshop.

Duderstadt, Germany

10. 3. 2025


Face-to-Face SeminarCPOs

Biomechanics of Prosthetics Lower Limb

Fundamentals seminar as theoretical and practical deep dive into biomechanics for prosthetic lower limb

Fundamentals seminar as theoretical and practical deep dive into biomechanics for prosthetic lower limb

Vienna, Austria

10.. - 14. 3. 2025

(po - pi)

Face-to-Face SeminarCPOs

TT prostheses: Liners & Vacuum Systems

Fundamentals on transtibial liner and suspension systems.

Fundamentals on transtibial liner and suspension systems.

Duderstadt, Germany

10.. - 12. 3. 2025

(po - st)

Face-to-Face SeminarCPOs

Myo Plus & bebionic hand Certification + Hands-on Trial Fitting

Advanced certification seminar on Myo Plus & bebionic hand

Advanced certification seminar on Myo Plus & bebionic hand

Duderstadt, Germany

11. 3. 2025


Face-to-Face SeminarCPOs

C-Leg 4 Certification

Advanced seminar on microprocessor-controlled knee joint C-Leg 4

Advanced seminar on microprocessor-controlled knee joint C-Leg 4

Vienna, Austria

11.. - 12. 3. 2025

(ut - st)

Face-to-Face SeminarCPOs

L300Go Certification

Fundamental seminar on L300Go and L100Go systems for users with foot drop and/or knee instability wich are based on the principle of functional electrical stimulation (FES)

Fundamental seminar on L300Go and L100Go systems for users with foot drop and/or knee instability wich are based on the principle of functional electrical stimulation (FES)

Duderstadt, Germany

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