Potvrďte vašu polohu

Potvrďte vašu polohu alebo ju vyberte zo zoznamu krajín, aby ste mohli kontaktovať váš miestny trh Ottobock. Postaráme sa o to, aby ste boli v budúcnosti presmerovaní na vami zvolenú stránku, aby ste sa vždy dostali na správne miesto.



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Knowledge and continuing education

Knowledge and continuing education are key factors in the medical technology industry. Through the diverse training formats of the Ottobock Academy, you can stay up-to-date on products, application techniques, and therapy approaches.

B2B Services - Academy - Knowledge base (HQ)

Academy Digital Learning

In our knowledge base, you’ll find digital learning content such as e-learning and videos.

In our knowledge base, you’ll find digital learning content such as e-learning and videos.

Kowledge Base

Training and events

Get an overview of our upcoming training sessions and events.

Get an overview of our upcoming training sessions and events.