تأكيدك مكانك

يُرجى تأكيد مكانك، أو الاختيار من قائمة البلدان؛ للتواصل مع سوق Ottobock المحلي. سنحرص على إعادة توجيهك إلى الموقع الإلكتروني الذي تختاره منذ هذه اللحظة؛ لتكون دائمًا في المكان الصحيح.

1C70 - القدم


نوع المنتج
درجة التنقل2, 3, 4
أقصى وزن للجسم125 كجم
جميع المواصفات
جميع المزايا في لمحة موجزة
A male user with his Ottobock Evanto prosthetic foot is standing on a rock with a smile.
Feel the flow

With Evanto, you can move more naturally and comfortably. It's a foot you don't just walk on: you glide through every cushioned step. Evanto gives you the freedom to find your flow and stay in it – all day, every day, no matter where you take it.

A male user walks over rocky ground with his Ottobock Evanto prosthetic foot.
Active on different undergrounds

Whether a rocky path, a forest floor, or a drive: Evanto adapts to different undergrounds, providing you with comfort and self-confidence. With this foot you can also cover longer distances with less fatigue.

Underwater photo of a prosthetic leg and a natural leg in the pool.
Get into the water

With Evanto you can take a shower, swim in the sea or work out in the pool. The prosthetic foot is a reliable partner even in heavy rain showers.

A male user walks down stairs with his Evanto prosthetic foot.
On stairs and slopes

Walking up and down stairs feels more comfortable thanks to Evanto's heel cushioning. You can also easily master ascents and descents during your next city stroll or your next hike.

A female dentist is standing with her Ottobock Evanto prosthetic foot and looking at an X-ray.
Relaxed standing

With its multi-axial flexibility and vertical deflection, Evanto gives you a flexible standing experience that feels more natural and comfortable. Intuitively shift the load between your prosthetic and biological leg, and benefit from increased socket comfort.

A female user doing yoga with her Ottobock Evanto prosthetic foot.
Moving in confined spaces

You don't have much space for wide movements, but still want to remain flexible? Thanks to its excellent multi-axial flexibility and torsion capability, movements in confined spaces and turning movements with the prosthetic side are no problem with Evanto.

Side view of Ottobock foot options.
More than a foot. A foundation.

The prosthetic foot makes a difference in the success of your treatment. Learn more about prosthetic feet in general and our other foot options here.

تجربة المُستخدم


Daniela is always on the move and loves her busy day-to-day life. In addition to her full-time job as a dentist, she particularly enjoys being out and about with her family and regularly being found on the yoga mat. Evanto supports her in her adventures at every turn. “Evanto gives you an incredibly elastic walking feeling and has a rollover that corresponds to that of my healthy foot. When I'm out with Evanto, I forget I'm wearing a prosthesis.“


For Alessandro, it is a special concern to inspire and motivate people and to give something back to society. In addition to his activities as a speaker and his career in para sports, he also strives to push his limits and try new things with Evanto in his free time. "With Evanto you can be free to walk as much as you want. I have much more energy at the end of the day than before."


معلومات عن المنتج

درجة التنقل2, 3, 4
أقصى وزن للجسم125 كجم
مستوى البتربتر أسفل الركبة, بتر أعلى الركبة

ملف المنتج

درجة التنقل2, 3, 4
أقصى وزن للجسم125 كجم
لحجم22-30 سم
الوزن (دون غلاف القدم الاصطناعية)450 جم*
Footshell shapeNormal shape with 10 +/- 5 mm heel height
Footshell colorبيج 4, بني فاتح 15
Weight with footshell725 جم*
Build height with normal footshell82 مم*


الأسئلة الشائعة

إجابات لجميع أسئلتك

المنتجات ذات الصلة

العثور على منتجات مشابهة

شعور طبيعي أكثر وراحة أكبر مع Taleo. تتسم القدم الاصطناعي بدحرجة سلسة، ويدعم مردود الطاقة الفعّال بها طريقة مشي مفعمة بالحيوية. وهكذا، تكون مرنة بما فيه الكفاية لتلائم طريقة مشيك الخاصة وتتناسب مع مختلف الأسطح والمنحدرات. إن Taleo مقاومة للمياه العذبة والمالحة والمعالجة بالكلور. قنوات تصريف المياه الإضافية بالمهايئ والفتحات في نعل القدم تمنع المياه من أن تتجمع في طرفك الاصطناعي، وتعيق أداء أنشطتك.
شعور طبيعي أكثر وراحة أكبر مع Taleo. تتسم القدم الاصطناعي بدحرجة سلسة، ويدعم مردود الطاقة الفعّال بها طريقة مشي مفعمة بالحيوية. وهكذا، تكون مرنة بما فيه الكفاية لتلائم طريقة مشيك الخاصة وتتناسب مع مختلف الأسطح والمنحدرات. إن Taleo مقاومة للمياه العذبة والمالحة والمعالجة بالكلور. قنوات تصريف المياه الإضافية بالمهايئ والفتحات في نعل القدم تمنع المياه من أن تتجمع في طرفك الاصطناعي، وتعيق أداء أنشطتك.