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13E520 - Prosthetic accessories

Myo Plus TR

Completely new prosthesis control concept

Even after a forearm amputation or with a congenital malformation, a mental image of the hand usually remains mapped in the brain. Amputees can still imagine closing, opening or rotating their hand. This activates the remaining muscles in the residual limb.

Even after a forearm amputation or with a congenital malformation, a mental image of the hand usually remains mapped in the brain. Amputees can still imagine closing, opening or rotating their hand. This activates the remaining muscles in the residual limb.

These muscle signals are transformed into myoelectric signals using electrodes on the forearm and translated directly into a movement of the prosthetic hand. Myo Plus learns to interpret the user’s individual movement patterns, assigning each to a specific prosthesis movement. These patterns can be adapted with the Myo Plus app.

This intuitive control enables users to fully utilise the potential of their highly complex, multi-articulating prosthetic hands. Myo Plus pattern recognition is optimised for the bebionic hand and the MyoBock system.

User groupwomen, youths, men, adults, elderly
Product familyMyobock prosthetic system for adults
All specifications
Benefits at a glance
A Myo Plus user feeding a calf. He is wearing the bebionic Skin Silicone glove over the bebionic hand.
More intuitive and natural control

Myo Plus makes it possible to utilise the prosthesis control functions in a unique and entirely natural manner. It therefore allows the user to intuitively utilise their remaining capabilities.

A Myo Plus user shows motifs on a flip chart to a colleague.
Fluid movements without switching

Myo Plus permits a flowing transition between the individual prosthesis movements. Significantly less concentration is required as a result, and the user can control the hand prosthesis effortlessly.

A user with Myo Plus pattern recognition reaches for a slice of bread at a beer garden.
Add additional hand movements yourself

Myo Plus permits the user to continuously adapt control of their prosthesis to individual needs. With the bebionic hand, it is possible to add new hand movements.

A Myo Plus user wearing the bebionic hand in black uses the Myo Plus app on a tablet.
Myo Plus app

The newly developed Myo Plus app is the central interface between the user and prosthesis control. It basically serves as a “window into the prosthesis”, visualising the hidden movement patterns in the residual limb.

A Myo Plus users switches from the bebionic hand to the Electric Greifer for manual tasks.
Easily exchange terminal devices

Aside from the bebionic hand, Myo Plus control is compatible with other MyoBock terminal devices such as the Electric Greifer. This allows users to choose a solution that is optimally adapted to their activities.

A Myo Plus user passes a muffin to a toddler using her prosthetic hand.
A learning control device

Myo Plus prosthesis control is adaptive and learns individual commands directly from the user of the artificial hand. Training the movement patterns is straightforward and can be visualised via the Myo Plus app.

User Experience

Myo Plus – Wolfgang’s story

Wolfgang is a farmer in Germany who lost his right hand in an accident at work. The idea of not wearing a prosthesis was out of the question. Wolfgang therefore uses Myo Plus pattern recognition and switches between his bebionic hand, the VariPlus Speed hand or the System Electric Greifer depending on the situation.

Lina mit der bebionic Handprothese

Mit 17 wurden Lina die rechte Hand und Teile ihres Unterarmes als Folge eines Tumors amputiert. Anfangs war sie geschockt, doch dank der frühzeitigen Betreuung durch ihren Orthopädietechniker fasste sie schnell neuen Mut.


Myo Plus pattern recognition

Individuals who have been affected by an amputation or a congenital malformation can still imagine closing their hand or rotating it outwards. This activates the remaining muscles in the residual limb. However, the corresponding organ that would carry out the hand movement is missing.

Myo Plus App

Die Myo Plus App ist die zentrale Schnittstelle zwischen Anwender und Prothesensteuerung.

  • Veranschaulichung der individuellen Bewegungsmuster über den Spiderplot
  • Steuerung durch Aufnahme zusätzlicher Muster im Alltag anpassen und um zusätzliche Griffe erweitern
  • Nachvollziehen, welche Prothesenbewegung gerade erkannt wurde
  • Parameter feinjustieren und Funktionen ein- oder ausschalten
  • Kostenlos im Apple oder Google Store verfügbar


Nach einer Amputation besteht nach wie vor eine gewisse Vorstellung der Hand - auch Phantomhand genannt. Die Bewegungen die gedanklich ausgeführt werden können, werden Phantomhandbewegungen genannt. Diese erzeugen Muskelsignale im Unterarm, die von Myo Plus interpretiert werden.
Je besser die Phantomhandvorstellung ist, desto zuverlässiger kann die Prothese gesteuert werden und desto größer ist die Auswahl an möglichen Griffarten.
Der Ortopädietechniker hat hierzu weiterführende Infomationen.

Testen mit der Myo Plus Manschette

Mit der Myo Manschette und der Myo Plus App wird die Evaluierung und das Training einfach und flexibel gestaltet. Die Myo Manschette beinhaltet bereits alle nötigen Komponenten und kann optional mit einer Demoprothese verbunden werden um eine realistische Erfahrung unterschiedlicher Hand Prothesen Typen und deren Funktionalitäten zu ermöglichen.


Product information

User groupwomen, youths, men, adults, elderly
Product familyMyobock prosthetic system for adults
Product typeMyo accessories

Product Data

Article number13E520
Width27 mm
Height9,2 mm
Length67 mm
Size67 x 27 x 9,2 mm



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