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17AD3000 - Ankle-Foot orthotics

Nexgear Tango ankle joint

Dynamic. Modular. Powerful.
IndicationsNeurological disorders
User groupadults, youth
ApplicationsCustom Orthotics
All specifications
Benefits at a glance

Walk more smoothly 
The Reaction-module and the Ultra-module enable the patient to walk more smoothly and more physiologically. The powerful Ultra-module extends the Tango range for unilateral fittings. Different springs can be used to accommodate different needs. Cushioning and a spring-mounted stop ensure silent stops of the joint.

Modular design
The modular structure of the ankle joint opens up a number of different fitting options. The joint can be used throughout the entire rehabilitation process, even as the patient’s needs change.

Lightweight titanium construction Making use of the titanium Tango joint reduces the weight of the orthosis.

Fit Kit and test braces for user testing in situ
The Tango Fit Kit includes all four function modules in each size, all the springs and the required tools. During the fitting process modules and springs can be tested on the user with the test brace to find the proper setting and alignment. 


Product information

User groupadults, youth
IndicationsNeurological disorders
ApplicationsCustom Orthotics
