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88A20 - Prosthetic covers

Custom silicone covers for the lower limbs

User groupyouths, adults
Product typeCustom silicon covers
ColourSkin colour
All specifications

Product information

User groupyouths, adults
Product familySilicone Prosthesis
ColourSkin colour
Product typeCustom silicon covers

Product Data

Article numberDescriptionProduct features
88A20=CCustom silicone covers "Classic" for the lower limbs

Anatomical shape

Custom silicone cover in two to three colours

Anatomical surface structure

Single-colour silicone toenails with colour-compatible nail tip

88A20=NCustom silicone covers "Natural" for the lower limbs

Anatomical shape

Custom silicone cover in 8-10 colours

Anatomical surface structure

Single-colour silicone toenails with colour-compatible nail tip