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3F1=1 - Prosthetic covers

Functional cosmesis C-Leg

Do you want a leg prosthesis that looks as inconspicuous and natural as possible? 
From day-to-day work to recreation, the functional cosmesis restores the natural volume of your leg as closely as possible. The functional cosmesis consists of a knee part, a functional shank made of foam that can be custom moulded by the O&P professional and a functional stocking that forms the exterior finish.

Do you want a leg prosthesis that looks as inconspicuous and natural as possible? 
From day-to-day work to recreation, the functional cosmesis restores the natural volume of your leg as closely as possible. The functional cosmesis consists of a knee part, a functional shank made of foam that can be custom moulded by the O&P professional and a functional stocking that forms the exterior finish.

Product typeFunctional cosmeses
Mobility grade2, 3, 4
Max. body weightno limit
All specifications
Benefits at a glance

Functional cosmesis – natural and inconspicuous

Inconspicuous in everyday life
Moving discreetly in everyday life

Would you prefer to not be recognized as a prosthesis wearer at first glance?
The functional cosmesis can help. Once it has been fitted by the technician, it gives your prosthesis a natural leg volume.

On top of everyday life
On top of the everyday

Kneeling down, changing your shoes, climbing stairs – these are just a few activities where you can now focus on the essentials, because the functional cosmesis coordinates perfectly with the functions of your prosthesis.

On top of working life
On top of your career

In your working life, the focus should be on your field of work and interacting with colleagues and business partners. With the functional cosmesis, your prosthesis is inconspicuous and your prosthesis fades into the background.

Benefit from convenience and hygiene

Like your clothing, the functional stocking will need to be washed as needed. It is removable and machine washable. It protects the prosthesis against a certain amount of splashed water and particles of dirt.


Learn more

The relevance of a prosthetic foot

Ottobock offers a wide range of prosthetic feet solutions. Learn which one is right for you based on your personal goals, amputation level, and activity level.


Product information

Product typeFunctional cosmeses
Mobility grade2, 3, 4
Max. body weightno limit
Amputation levelTransfemoral amputation, Knee disarticulation
User groupadults, women, men
ActivitiesDaily use
MaterialPlastic, PUR

Product Data

Article numberWeight
3F1=1910 g



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