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The most lifelike.

bebionic hand

The bebionic is a multi-articulating myoelectric prosthetic hand that is available in sizes small (S) and medium (M). Fourteen selectable grips and hand positions let you perform a vast number of everyday activities with ease.

The bebionic is a multi-articulating myoelectric prosthetic hand that is available in sizes small (S) and medium (M). Fourteen selectable grips and hand positions let you perform a vast number of everyday activities with ease.

Mobility is the key to living life on your own terms – for people in any age group. We have been striving to provide people with disabilities with the best possible quality of life for nearly 100 years. Valuable feedback regarding our users’ day-to-day experiences helps our product developers see the world through their eyes.

A day with Aisha in Barcelona

Most of the time, the greatest challenges in life are everyday things. People with amputations are particularly aware of just how valuable it is to get through everyday life naturally and without help. Aisha's Michelangelo prosthetic hand allows her to do just that.

A lower extremity amputee stands in front of a group of other amputees
Living with an amputation

Information for patients

You can find further information about living with an amputation, treatment options and more here.

You can find further information about living with an amputation, treatment options and more here.

A lower limb amputee walks down a set of stairs with ease with the help of her Ottobock-manufactured microprocessor knee
Living with an amputation

All Ottobock prosthetic solutions

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Living with an amputation

What happens before and after an amputation? What is the rehabilitation process, and what does everyday life with a prosthetic limb look like? Find out everything you need to know about treatment with a prosthesis here.

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Leg amputation

Information about leg amputations with reasons for amputating, rehabilitation, the alignment of a leg prosthesis, everyday life with a prosthesis and much more.

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