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50S5 - Ankle-Foot orthotics


Enhanced safety for the ankle

The Malleo Sensa provides stability for your ankle following injuries or inflammation. It helps alleviate pain and stabilises the joint. Your freedom of movement is maintained. Furthermore, targeted compression promotes the reduction of swellings and effusions.

The Malleo Sensa provides stability for your ankle following injuries or inflammation. It helps alleviate pain and stabilises the joint. Your freedom of movement is maintained. Furthermore, targeted compression promotes the reduction of swellings and effusions.

The support is anatomically shaped.

IndicationsInjury during sports, recreation and work
User groupadults
ApplicationsBracing & Support/ (OTS)
All specifications

Product information

IndicationsInjury during sports, recreation and work
User groupadults
ApplicationsBracing & Support/ (OTS)
Functional principlesother
Product typeAnkle support, flat knitted



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