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Lower extremity orthotics

Ankle-Foot orthotics-{3301}
{3301}Ankle-Foot orthotics
IndicationsStroke, Hemiplegie, Multiple sclerosis, Cerebral palsy, Paraplegia, Neurological disorders
User groupadults, youths, mature adults
ApplicationsCustom Orthotics
Leg & knee orthotics-8368
8368Leg & knee orthotics
Product typeTextile knee orthosis
User groupadults
IndicationsInjury during sports, recreation and work
Leg & knee orthotics-8360
8360Leg & knee orthotics
IndicationsInjury during sports, recreation and work
User groupadults
ApplicationsBracing & Support/ (OTS)
Leg & knee orthotics-8359
8359Leg & knee orthotics
Product typeTextile knee orthosis
User groupadults
Leg & knee orthotics-8356
8356Leg & knee orthotics
IndicationsInjury during sports, recreation and work
User groupadults
ApplicationsBracing & Support/ (OTS)
Functional principlesother
Leg & knee orthotics-8353
8353Leg & knee orthotics
IndicationsInjury during sports, recreation and work
User groupadults
ApplicationsBracing & Support/ (OTS)
Functional principlesother
Leg & knee orthotics-8320N
8320NLeg & knee orthotics
Terms and conditionsArthritis, other, Arthrosis
User groupadults
ApplicationsBracing & Support/ (OTS)
Leg & knee orthotics-8165
8165Leg & knee orthotics
Terms and conditionsStroke, other
User groupadults
ApplicationsCustum orthetics, Bracing & Support/ (OTS)
Leg & knee orthotics-8066
8066Leg & knee orthotics
User groupadults
ApplicationsBracing & Support/ (OTS)
Leg & knee orthotics-8060
8060Leg & knee orthotics
Product typeKnee orthoses, immobilisation
User groupadults
Ankle-Foot orthotics-50S3
50S3Ankle-Foot orthotics
Terms and conditionsInjury during sports, recreation and work
User groupadults
ApplicationsBracing & Support/ (OTS)
Ankle-Foot orthotics-50S23
50S23Ankle-Foot orthotics
IndicationsInjury during sports, recreation and work
User groupadults
ApplicationsBracing & Support/ (OTS)

12 results out of 42