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50R231 - Cervical spine & back orthotics

Smartspine extension brace

Easy handling and maximum compression

If you suffer from injuries concerning the thoracic spine the brace supports active straightening of the thoracic spine relieving it by thoracic postural extension alignment. Activating the muscular stabilization it promotes the sensorimotor function and also acts as pain reliever.

If you suffer from injuries concerning the thoracic spine the brace supports active straightening of the thoracic spine relieving it by thoracic postural extension alignment. Activating the muscular stabilization it promotes the sensorimotor function and also acts as pain reliever.

IndicationsPost-operative, Injury during sports, recreation and work
User groupadults
ApplicationsBracing & Support/ (OTS)
All specifications
Benefits at a glance
Individual adjustment

The pulley system maximizes abdominal compression with minimal pull force. It compresses and conforms to the individual patient’s anatomy. Besides, the system facilitates one-handed use. The pull cord is adjustable making the brace quite comfortable and individually adaptable.

Easy to don

The back pack design provides extension support extending from the upper thoracic spine to the sacrococcygeal junction. Besides, the brace may be donned like a backpack making it easy to apply.


Product information

IndicationsPost-operative, Injury during sports, recreation and work
User groupadults
ApplicationsBracing & Support/ (OTS)
Functional principlesother
Product typePosture and osteoporosis orthoses

Product Data

Article numberSizeBody circumferenceSidePanel height
50R231=SS76,0 - 89,0 cmboth sides43.0 cm
50R231=MM89,0 - 101,5 cmboth sides43.0 cm
50R231=LL101,5 - 114,5 cmboth sides48.5 cm
50R231=XLXL114,5 - 127,0 cmboth sides48.5 cm



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