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50R40 - Cervical spine & back orthotics

Lumbo Carezza

Comfortable relief for the lumbar spine

The Lumbo Carezza is suitable for treating mild to moderate lumbago, lumbar ischialgia and degeneration of the lumbar spine, among other indications. The brace provides relief in the corresponding region and alleviates pain.

The Lumbo Carezza is suitable for treating mild to moderate lumbago, lumbar ischialgia and degeneration of the lumbar spine, among other indications. The brace provides relief in the corresponding region and alleviates pain.

IndicationsInjury during sports, recreation and work, Prevention
User groupyouths, adults
ApplicationsBracing & Support/ (OTS)
All specifications

Product information

IndicationsInjury during sports, recreation and work, Prevention
User groupyouths, adults
ApplicationsBracing & Support/ (OTS)
Functional principlesCompression

Product Data

Article numberSizeBody circumference
50R40=XSXS70 - 80 cm
50R40=SS80 - 90 cm
50R40=MM90 - 100 cm
50R40=LL100 - 110 cm
50R40=XLXL110 - 120 cm
50R40=XXLXXL120 - 130 cm
